Old French torment, from Latin tormentum (something operated by twisting). After stealing the old lady's purse, you might expect to be tormented by many sleepless nights. WordSense Dictionary: torment - meaning, definition, synonyms. The noun torment is the result of the verb torment. It assures a lender, generally, that the tenant will attorn to (that is, confirm privity of contract by agreeing to continue as tenant of the new landlord) the lender or a purchaser following a foreclosure. Torment means an act or omission that causes unjustifiable pain, suffering, and distress to an animal, or causes mental and emotional anguish in the animal as evidenced by its altered behavior, for a purpose such as sadistic pleasure, coercion, or punishment that an ordinary and reasonable person would conclude is likely to. Torment - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms torment Add to list Share By repeatedly trying to make someone miserable you torment them. The attornment component of the SNDA agreement provides that the tenant will continue their obligations under the contract in the event that a new landlord takes over the contract and may also specify that the lender or such purchaser will have certain specified rights thereafter. transitive verb To put to extreme pain or anguish to inflict excruciating misery upon, either of body or mind to torture. 2 : a cause of suffering in mind or body The waiting was torment. The non-disturbance portion assures tenants that their rights to their premises will be preserved (“nondisturbed”) on specified conditions within their control, even if the landlord defaults on its loan and the lender forecloses. basanos ( Matthew 4:24 ), the touch-stone of justice hence inquisition by torture, and then any disease which racks and tortures the limbs. Kids Definition of torment (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : extreme pain or distress of body or mind. The feeling of anguish is typically preceded by a tragedy or event that has a. It deals with how and when the rights of tenants will be subordinate to the rights of lenders or, sometimes at lender’s option, senior to the rights of lenders. TORMENT Meaning: 'the inflicting of torture,' also 'state of great suffering, pain, distress,' from Old French torment See definitions of torment. Anguish is extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering. Research on cyberbullying needs to draw on a broad spectrum of empirical data and incorporate multiple and diverse theoretical perspectives.A subordination, non-disturbance, and attornment agreement (SNDA) addresses the priority of the rights of tenants and lenders. torment - Meaning in English, what is the meaning of torment in English dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of torment in. Thus, we argue that it is necessary for the research field to refine definitional work.

Definition (noun) a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented. The dominant research paradigm has suppressed such complexity by deeming irrelevant the extensive experience with cyberbullying of many children and young people. torment - Dictionary definition and meaning for word torment. We analyse how the definition of cyberbullying stemming from developmental psychology is inadequate in addressing the complexities of technologically mediated exclusionary processes in educational- and peer-group settings. We address how these definitions, mostly deriving from developmental psychology, have had a problematic influence on the way researchers, policymakers, practitioners working with interventions, and children and young people themselves approach the challenge of understanding and preventing cyberbullying and its consequences. In this article, we investigate the power of prevailing definitions within the research field of cyberbullying.